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PNC 2024 Registration has officially started!

Please be sure to register via the link we sent you by 7/26 (Fri.). We will close the online registration system after 7/26.

For further details and information, please visit PNC 2024 Website. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write to us!

PNC 2024 Conference Announcement

The PNC 2024 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings will be hosted by the PNC and Korea University in Seoul, South Korea, from 8/29 (Thu)-8/31 (Sat). We look forward to seeing you in Seoul!

Retrospective Keynote Sessions from PNC Annual Conferences

PNC 2022

Why Clouds Are Not Innocent

Academician Pao K. Wang    Academia Sinica

A New Level of Presence: Spatial Digital Humanities and Volumetric & Holographic Video Capture and Broadcast 

Dr. Bryan Carter

University of Arizona

Cognitive Wellbeing in the Digital World: The Future is Now!     

Academician Ovid Jyh-Lang Tzeng Academia Sinica

PNC 2021

Preserving the Narrative 

Prof. Lewis Lancaster         

The University of California, Berkeley

Designing for a Sustainable Future in Digital Heritage 

Dr. Halina Gottlieb         

Digital Heritage Center Sweden

Digital Social Innovation 

Digital Minister Audrey Tang

Executive Yuan, Taiwan

PNC 2019

Digital Humanities and the Study of Singaporean Cultural History 

Prof. Kenneth Dean         National University of Singapore

Technology Enhanced Adaptive Learning in Taiwan 

Prof. Bor-Chen Kuo         Ministry of Education, Taiwan

Building Sustainable Society by Using Information and Communication Technology: Lessons from Disaster Management

Prof. Yue-Gau Chen     Academia Sinica

Agriculture Biodiversity Challenge and Agro-Ecology for Climate Change Resilience and Food Security in ASEAN

Dr. The Anh Dao                  Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences

PNC 2017

Data-Informed Decision Making in Public Health: Case Study in Tainan

Dr. Huey-Jen Jenny Su National Cheng Kung University

The Amnesiac Civilization

Dr. David S. H. Rosenthal   Stanford University Libraries

Tracking Social Interactions with Data from Sampling Surveys, Contact Diaries, and Social Media

Dr. Yang-Chih Fu                   Academia Sinica             

Worlds Full of Places: Toward a Global Ecology of Historical Gazetteers

Prof. Ruth Mostern     University of Pittsburgh 

My Experience on the Application of 3D Digital Data on Cultural Heritage Cases in Taiwan

Prof. Min-Fu Hsu               National Cheng Kung University

Making Sense of Internet of Things: Using AirBox as an Example

Dr. Ling-Jyh Chen                 Academia Sinica

PNC 2016

Data and the Construction of Reality

Prof. Michael K. Buckland University of California, Berkeley & Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative 

Are We Using Data Effectively to Connect Users to What They Seek?

Dr. Murtha Baca                      Getty Research Institute   

Data Visualization: Interpretative Dimensions

Prof. Johanna Drucker   University of California, Los Angeles

What Happens after the Scholarly Data Revolution and “Big Data”? Opportunities and Challenges in Knowledge Structures and New Forms of Scholarly

Dr. Clifford A. Lynch     Coalition for Networked Information

Flying Spirit in Dunhuang: Immersive Experience on Virtual Touring of Mogao Caves

Prof. Yi-Ping Hung           National Taiwan University & Academia Sinica         

PNC 2015

Private Data, Public Goods

Prof. Peter K. Bol                Harvard University

Disaster Risk Reduction Data, Challenges in Making Them Open

Prof. Jane W. S. Liu        Academia Sinica

Computational Social Science: The Collaborative Futures of Big Data, Computer Science and Social Sciences

Dr. Sheng-Wei Chen     Academia Sinica

What is the Big Idea Behind Big Data?

Prof. Lionel M. Ni             University of Macau

PNC 2014

The Age of Experience: Cultural Heritage and the Future of Museums

Prof. Sarah Kenderdine   UNSW Art & Design, City University of Hong Kong

Museum Using Digital Technology to Interact with Audiences: Some Practices in National Museum of History

Dr. Yui Tan Chang                   National Museum of History

Art of Calligraphy and Classic Chinese Literature Rejuvenated: Exhibition, Reflection, and Transformation on Outside Classroom Learning Activities

Prof. Hsianghoo Steve Ching City University of Hong Kong

Moore’s Law and the Future of Libraries

Prof. Michael Keller                 Stanford University

Beyond Borders: The Humanities in the Digital Age

Dr. James Cuno                                      J. Paul Getty Trust

PNC 2011

Climate Changes and Water Resources in Taiwan History

Prof. Ts’ui-jung Liu         Academia Sinica

Climate Change and Urban Flood Management

Dr. Zoran Vojinovic                 UNESCO-IHE, Netherlands

Interdecadal Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon and Precipitation

Prof. Meigen Zhang         Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

CyberInfrastructure for Service-Oriented Geospatial Science and Technology

Prof. Jianya Gong                 Wuhan University, China